News Releases

Porum GEAR UP eighth graders tour Oral Roberts University

Thirty-five eighth grade Porum GEAR UP students recently traveled to Tulsa to visit Oral Roberts University (ORU). Students began the morning by participating in a guided tour at ORU led by Student Ambassadors Jordan Rollinson (a sophomore from Fort Worth, TX majoring in Government) and Joseph Thomas (a freshman from Montgomery, AL majoring in Business Administration). Students saw numerous buildings and learned about various programs on campus. Students began the tour at ORU’s Global Learning

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Canadian GEAR UP eighth graders tour Oral Roberts University

Thirty-five eighth grade GEAR UP students recently traveled to Tulsa to tour Oral Roberts University (ORU). Students began the morning by participating in a guided tour at ORU led by Student Ambassador Joseph Thomas, a freshman from Montgomery, AL majoring in Business Administration. Canadian students had a detailed tour of the beautiful campus and learned about the various programs ORU offers. The tour began inside ORU’s Global Learning Center. Thomas explained that most computer-related courses

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Quinton seventh and eighth grade GEAR UP students tour the Science Museum Oklahoma

Fifty-five Quinton seventh and eighth grade GEAR UP students recently visited Science Museum Oklahoma in Oklahoma City. The two-story museum consists of a wide-array of hands-on activities that allows students to have fun in an engaging way. Students roamed, ran, and played while learning about various science principles. The museum, as well as the name, has evolved since its creation in 1958. The mission of Science Museum Oklahoma, formerly known as the Omniplex Science Museum,

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Puterbaugh Middle School 7th grade GEAR UP student’s tour Bacone College and The Five Civilized Tribes Museum

38 Puterbaugh Middle School 7th grade GEAR UP girls recently traveled to Muskogee to tour Bacone College and The Five Civilized Tribes Museum on October 22, 2018.  The tour began at the Palmer Center with students meeting with Bacone staff in the gym to discuss admissions, sports, activities, financial aid and college life. Interim Vice President of Student Affairs and Director of Admissions and Recruitment Kaila Harjo discussed Oklahoma’s Promise stating students would need to

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Canadian GEAR UP seventh graders tour Oral Roberts University

Twenty-four seventh grade GEAR UP students from Canadian recently traveled to Tulsa to tour Oral Roberts University (ORU). Students began the morning by participating in a guided tour at ORU led by Student Ambassadors Allyson Woods, a sophomore from Texas majoring in Environmental Sustainability and Riley Kempker, a sophomore from Iowa majoring in Ministry and Leadership. Canadian students saw numerous buildings, met ORU students and learned about various programs ORU offers. Students began the tour

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Eastern Oklahoma State College GEAR UP hosts workshops for area schools’ Tutor Coordinators

Workshops were held on both the Wilburton and McAlester campuses as Coordinators were trained on the setup and usage of the program and reports that may be extracted to assist school personnel in early detection of academic weaknesses. Angela White, Krebs GEAR UP Tutor Coordinator Ashley Johnson, Indianola GEAR UP Tutor Coordinator Beth Murray, Stringtown GEAR UP Tutor Coordinator Cherish Marshall, Wilburton GEAR UP Tutor Coordinator Donna Curry, Frink–Chambers GEAR UP Tutor Coordinator Greta Reasnor,

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Poteau GEAR UP students tour Tulsa Community College—Southeast Campus

One hundred and twelve Poteau GEAR UP students recently traveled to Tulsa to tour the Southeast campus of Tulsa Community College (TCC). Students were greeted by Admissions Counselor William Baldwin and Student Recruiter Lucia McFarland. Studnets were led through Building 8 that houses programs for science, mathematics, health sciences, and biotechnology. Students walked through the Nursing Department where they saw a real-life set up of hospital beds and medical instruments, complete with robotic mannequins. The

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Buffalo Valley GEAR UP students tour the Tulsa Air and Space Museum

Buffalo Valley GEAR UP students recently toured Tulsa Air and Space Museum. Students began the tour boarding the Museum’s MD-80 that was donated by American Airlines after 26 years of service and 39,968 flights. On board they were able to have the “Flight Experience” which is a video presentation about space exploration and flight. Students explored the Museum and many of the hands-on exhibits that are available for them to experience—the Grumman F-14A Tomcat, Rockwell

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Indianola GEAR UP students visit the Oklahoma City Zoo

Twenty-seven Indianola seventh and eighth grade GEAR UP students recently visited the Oklahoma City Zoo. Students began the day by participating in Animal S.O.S. (Save Our Species), which is only one of 18 educational programs the zoo offers. Abby Hurt, OKC Zoo Educator, discussed with students about endangered species in Oklahoma and around the world as well as ways people can help those animals. Students learned H.I.P.P.O., which stands for Habitat Destruction, Invasive Species, Pollution,

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McAlester 7th grade GEAR UP students tour Bacone College and The Five Civilized Tribes Museum

Forty seven McAlester 7th grade GEAR UP students recently traveled to Muskogee to tour Bacone College and The Five Civilized Tribes Museum. The tour began at the Ginny Palmer Center which houses classrooms, the gym, Warrior Grill, and the cafeteria. Interim Vice President of Student Affairs/Director of Admissions and Recruitment Kaila Harjo, Athletic Compliance Director and Assistant Coach Juan Davis, and Cross Country Coach Phillip Barnoski provided the students with a tour of the campus

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Eufaula GEAR UP seventh graders tour Oral Roberts University

Forty-four GEAR UP students recently traveled to Tulsa to tour Oral Roberts University (ORU). Students began the morning by participating in a guided tour at ORU led by Student Ambassadors Allyson Woods majoring in Environmental Sustainability and Joseph Thomas, a freshman from Montgomery, AL who just changed his major to Business Administration. Eufaula students saw numerous buildings, met ORU students and learned about various programs ORU offers. Students began the tour in front of the

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Eufaula GEAR UP seventh graders tour Tulsa Community College

Fifty-one GEAR UP students recently traveled to Tulsa to tour the Southeast Campus of Tulsa Community College (TCC). Students were welcomed to campus by Admissions Counselors William Baldwin and Lucia McFarland. Students were met with an ice-breaker question: What is your name and your biggest fear? Many students listed spiders, snakes, heights and other animals/insects. The chaperones and Admissions Counselors even listed their fears to the students. It was interesting to hear the commonalities. Students

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GEAR UP Local Education Agency Representatives Attend 2018 Partnership Meeting

Eastern Oklahoma State College’s GEAR UP program hosted its annual partnership meeting for area school superintendents, principals, counselors and lead teachers. More than 115 met to learn how the college’s $17 million GEAR UP grant will help them prepare students for postsecondary education. Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) is a federal initiative to increase the number of low-income students who enter and successfully transition into postsecondary education. In 2017, Eastern

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Tannehill GEAR UP students tour East Central University

Nineteen Tannehill seventh and eighth grade GEAR UP students recently toured East Central University in Ada. Students began the day by dividing into two groups, each being guided by ECU representatives, Chandler Wilson and Alyson Chapman. Students took a walking tour of the campus, learning about many aspects of campus life. The tours began in the Bill S. Cole University Center where they saw the student recreation areas and fitness center. Students moved to the

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Indianola Public School Teachers receive professional development training

The Eastern Oklahoma State College GEAR UP Professional Development team brought Motivational Classroom Management to Indianola Schools recently. Teachers were eager to learn something new and add some excitement to their classrooms. “A lot goes into motivating students,” said GEAR UP Professional Development Coordinator John Spiegel. “We love seeing educators extend and grow their pedagogical outlooks.” Teachers explored different strategies to motivate students, discovered how learning styles affect classroom management, and learned modern motivational tools.

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Krebs 7th grade GEAR UP students tour Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden

Krebs 7th grade GEAR UP students recently traveled to Oklahoma City to tour the Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden. The tour began at the Rosser Conservation Education Center. Education Instructor Tess Botkin presented the program “Animal SOS” to the GEAR UP students. She discussed threats to animals including habitat destruction, invasive species, pollution, poaching, and over harvesting, as well as how individuals can assist with conservation. Botkin introduced the students to Mischief, an albino

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Porum GEAR UP seventh graders tour Oral Roberts University

Thirty-six Porum GEAR UP students recently traveled to Tulsa to tour Oral Roberts University (ORU). Students began the morning by participating in a guided tour at ORU led by Student Ambassadors Jordan Rollinson, a sophomore from Fort Worth, TX majoring in Business Administration and Joseph Thomas, a freshman from Montgomery, AL majoring in International Business and Management. Porum students saw numerous buildings and learned about various programs on campus. Founded to educate the whole person—spirit,

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Frink-Chambers 7th grade GEAR UP students tour the Eufaula Dam Operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Twenty-eight Frink-Chambers seventh grade GEAR UP students recently toured the Eufaula Dam operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers near Porum. Construction of the Eufaula Dam began in December 1956 to provide flood control, water supply, hydroelectric power, and navigation to the area. The project was completed in February 1964 and began full flood control. Five months later, power was generated. Students began the tour by breaking into three small groups led by U.S.

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Rattan 7th grade GEAR UP students explore The Museum of the Red River

Seventh grade students from Rattan recently explored The Museum of the Red River in Idabel. The Museum is home to 30,000 cultural objects from six continents, and Oklahoma’s State Dinosaur, Acrocanthosaurus atokensis. Its exhibition program includes temporary and permanent displays, with the majority using objects drawn from its collections. The museum is hosting the exhibit Arts of the Pacific Northwest. The art of the Northwest Coast typically consists of highly stylized designs that represent people,

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Over 1,100 students participate in “Road Trip” during the 11th Annual 8th Grade Career & College EXPO

Over 1,100 8th grade students from 41 area schools attended the 11th Annual 8th Grade Career & College EXPO. Students browsed career booths and participated in the “Road Trip.” The Road Trip, sponsored by Eastern Oklahoma State College GEAR UP, simulated the game of Life® as students made life-changing financial decisions. Members of the Paradigm Shift team created the “real life world” atmosphere. As students entered the room, they were given a handout with various

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