Forty Keota eighth and ninth grade GEAR UP students recently toured NSU (Northeastern State University) in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. Students began the day at the W. Roger Webb Educational Technology Center, where they were greeted by Bailey Rush, NSU Graduate Assistant of Campus Visit Program’ and Northeastern State University Student Ambassadors Emma Chasten, Montana Hale, Benjamin Smith, and Cheyenne Jones. Rush presented students with an overview of NSU, which included how to apply for college, scholarship opportunities, student organizations, things to do in Tahlequah, and an emphasis on NSU’s Rookie Bridge Camp (RBC). The RBC is a fun-filled two-day camp for incoming freshman to learn what to expect and how to succeed at NSU. During RBC, students are given the opportunity to meet their professors, administrators, staff, and alumni of NSU. After the overview, students toured the campus to learn about the history of NSU’s various buildings throughout. Lastly, students visited Leoser Hall, part of the residential complex, where the students were given a first-hand look at a sample dorm room and learn about the different housing opportunities on campus. After the tour, students ate lunch at the Campus Café and shared their favorite parts of the tour and campus.
The field trip was sponsored by Eastern Oklahoma State College GEAR UP. Eastern received a $17 million federal GEAR UP grant in 2017 and will serve over 3,000 students in 39 area schools for seven years.