Thirty-one area middle school math and science teachers recently participated in a two-day workshop sponsored by Eastern Oklahoma State College GEAR UP. The workshop was designed to help them integrate technology effectively into instruction. The beginner training was conducted by Texas Instruments (TI) Specialists Sandra Hocutt and Cassie Whitecotton.
“What an exciting group of educators!” exclaimed GEAR UP Professional Development Coordinator John Spiegel. “These beginners were eager to learn and share their classroom experiences with each other. They have the determination and tenacity to make a difference in their classrooms and in the lives of their students.”
In addition to the professional development training, teachers are coached by TI Specialists. The Specialists visit partner schools and provide “just-in-time” guidance for teachers delivering math and science instruction.
The technology, training and coaching is provided by Eastern Oklahoma State College’s 2017 GEAR UP grant. Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) is a federal initiative to increase the number of low income students who enter and successfully transition into postsecondary education. Eastern is in its second year of the $17 million grant and are serving students, teachers, parents, and administrators in 39 partner schools in southeastern Oklahoma.