University of Central Oklahoma
GEAR UP students from Pittsburg traveled to Edmond recently to tour the University of Central Oklahoma.
UCO Student Ambassador and Tour Guide Will Ferguson, welcomed the students to the Nigh University Center. Ferguson escorted the students to Constitution Hall where they met with the Director of Student Activity Katelynn Lee. Lee told the students about the history of the campus, student enrollment, student activities, and available fields of study. Ferguson then presented information on student clubs and campus activities.
Students toured the College Center Building, the fieldhouse, the Bronco Football Field, the Chambers Library, the education building, the Old North Tower, the science building, and the Bronco Wellness Center. While touring the Wellness Center, students were given the opportunity to observe UCO students in organized sports and fitness classes.
“The students enjoyed the campus,” said GEAR UP Education Coordinator Kamy Patterson. “Everyone was nice and welcomed the Pittsburg students on campus.”
The field trip was sponsored by Eastern Oklahoma State College GEAR UP. Participating schools take two field trips each academic year—one to tour a college or university and one that is cultural/educational in nature.
Will Ferguson address Pittsburg GEAR UP students in Constitution Hall
Pittsburg GEAR UP students tour Chambers Library
Pittsburg GEAR UP students pose in front of Howell Hall College of Math & Science
Photo ID: Seated L–R: Gavin Roberts, Fallon Scott, Mandi Barron and Jenni Turner
Standing L–R: Jennings Powell, Tyler Sullivan, Jevan Hopper, Shawna Stiles, Dakota Pollock and Kyler Burchfield
Behind the marker L–R: Johnny Shields and Blane Rice
Pittsburg GEAR UP students pose at the entrance of the UCO Bookstore
Photo ID: Kneeling: Jenni Turner and Gavin Roberts
Standing L–R: Dakota Pollock, Johnny Shields, Mandi Barron, Fallon Scott, Blane Rice, Shawna Stiles, Jevan Hoper, Tyler Sullivan, Jennings Powell and Kyler Burchfield
Balloon Launch 2012