Wilburton GEAR UP seniors tour the
University of Arkansas—Fort Smith
Wilburton High School GEAR UP seniors recently toured the University of Arkansas campus in Fort Smith (UAFS). UFAS Recruiter Rebecca Cheek spoke with the students in the Smith–Pendergraft Campus Center before the tour began. Students completed information cards and looked through the UASF Viewbook. She talked about the various campus organizations and academic programs. She also discussed various scholarships, financial aid, and the ACT.
As the students were led through campus, the guide explained where specific classes are held. Some of these included the Flanders Building for Business classes, the Vines Building for Language Arts classes, the Gardner Building for History classes, and the Ballman–Speer Building for the Arts classes. She also directed the students to the Fitness Center and explained the various aerobic classes offered.
Students toured the Math and Science Building. The guide showed them the labs, classrooms, and lecture hall. Students then made their way to the Lion’s Den Residence Hall. The Lion’s Den contains suites with various floor plans and is the only on–campus housing for freshmen. Upperclassmen have the option of living there, as well.
The students also toured through the Pendergraft Health Sciences Center. The Dental Hygiene, Nursing, and Radiography programs are housed in this building. The students were informed that they have access to free services provided by the students enrolled in these programs.
The students were shown the Boreham Library and the Dining Hall. The guide explained how the USAF student identification cards act as a key to the housing complex and as a debit card for the dining options. She also emphasized how the library is very beneficial for college students.
“College tours are an important part of Eastern’s GEAR UP program,” said GEAR UP Education Coordinator Tara Stevens. “They give the students a first–hand look at life on a college campus. UAFS has a campus that is fairly close to Wilburton. Students pay in–state tuition which makes it a viable option.”

Wilburton GEAR seniors as they tour the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith are:
Front Row: Ashley Mooers, Raygan Stanford, Jose Gonzalez, Macy Parks and Conner Knight.
Middle Row: Anthony Shelley, Douglas Ivey, Christian Mahoney, Joe Dunagan, Devin Evans, Jewellena Boyett and Courtney Jones.
Back Row: Anthony Glover and Daniel Morrison.

Wilburton GEAR UP seniors touring the University of Arkansas at Ft. Smith are:
Front Row: Elisabeth Higdon, Shania Perry, Colter Keesee, Laurel Robbins, Nicole Williams, Ashlynn Vinson, Dillon Kirk, Garrett Smith and Madison Brinlee.
Back Row: Bradley Rader, Tristan Fanshier, Jagar Sokolosky, Jeffery Neering, Blane Wilcox, Riley Quinn and William Swindle