Hartshorne GEAR UP seniors attend college fair at EOSC
Fifty-seven Hartshorne GEAR UP seniors recently attended Eastern Oklahoma State College’s college fair in Wilburton. Students visited with representatives from over 15 colleges and universities in Eastern’s gymnasium. Each students received handouts from recruiters detailing programs, majors and other specifics the institutions can offer them. The college fairs are designed to familiarize students with various opportunities for postsecondary education.
“College fairs are a wonderful time for students to ask questions and compare programs side by side,” said GEAR UP Education Coordinator Rachael Ranallo. The students left the event with new information to explore.”
The field trip was sponsored by Eastern Oklahoma State College GEAR UP. Participating schools take two field trips each academic year—one to tour a college or university and one that is cultural/educational in nature.

First row: Serena Santos, Kanani Watashe, Shoshanah Hardy, Marley Black, Nathan Ranallo, Madison Semeski, Zachary Alexander, Mason Gaylor, Shay Wilcox, Josh Brown and Zach Bennett.
Second Row: Jackson Porter, Tyler Sheppard, Adam Lovenburg, Marcus O’Daniel, Hailey Braswell, Dillon Wilkett, Jawaski, Johnson, Mason Angst, Bryan Hawkins, Kyle Brown, Blake Tubbs, Tyler Lowe, NaShay Alexander and Taylor Robbins.
Third Row: Adanya Sewell, Mariella Chatkehoodle, Tucker Capps, Mariel Sam, Romeo Farve, Tyler Akins, Chase Mass, Elizabeth Wilson, Brooklyne Curliss, Kori Edwards, Ledgen Angeli, Chase Parker, Lauren York, Harley Brown and Haven Bailey-Morgan.
Back row: Tanner Henry, Araceli Ortiz, Mathew Dawson, Scotlin Rizor, Mika Sam, Camden Coleman, Cody Clark, Claire Tallant, Kendall Young, Brandon Neighbors, James Phillips, Wyatt Corum, Chance Parker, Dalton Cook, Cody Hugle and Steven Richmond.