Clayton GEAR UP students tour Murray State College
Forty Clayton High School juniors and seniors recently toured Murray State College (MSC) in Tishomingo. Students began their tour in the College Campus Center where they were greeted by Murray State’s Recruiting Coordinator Shawn Minzes and the Director of the Veterinary Technology Program Laura Sandmann.
Sandmann provided a PowerPoint about Murray’s Vet Tech Program. She gave a detailed description of the program, as well as courses students are required to take and options offered to students in the program. She also discussed various activities in which students participate including internship opportunities.
Clayton students were then divided into two groups. Minzes and Cheyanne Greuder, a student worker, led them on a tour of the campus viewing classrooms and dorms at the college.
The next stop was the Gunsmithing classrooms. The first Gunsmithing Program began in 1979 at Murray State College. Murray State’s Gunsmithing Degree is a two–year program that teaches all aspects of building and repairing firearms. Graduates received an Associate of Applied Science Degree in Gunsmithing. Tool Room Tech Steve Epple led the tour and students spoke to instructors and current students about the program. They watched as students were creating their projects which were various styles of guns such as a 1911 pistol as well as various rifles and shotguns. MSC students create them from start to finish and get to keep them upon completion.
Finally, students returned to the College Campus Center for a short presentation about MSC’s Nursing Program. A question and answer session regarding financial aid ended the tour.
“It was very interesting,” said GEAR UP Education Coordinator LaDonna Baldwin. “Students were able to see two programs that are not offered at other two–year colleges.”
The field trip was sponsored by Eastern Oklahoma State College GEAR UP. Participating schools take two field trips each academic year—one to tour a college or university and one that is cultural/educational in nature.

Laura Sandmann—Clayton GEAR UP students listen to Murray State College Veterinary Technology Program Instructor Laura Sandmann explain the program.

Steve Epple—Murray State College Tool Room Tech Steve Epple and Director of Student Life Michael Burrell show ammunition that students have made as part of their Gunsmithing program.

Group Photo—Clayton GEAR UP students touring Murray State College are:
Front Row: Ashlii Abbott, Liz Butler, Lyndsey Bailey–Smith, Sadie Garrison, Shelby Heflin, Braylee Reneau, and Zoie Smith.
Row 2: Daniel Staggs, Bobbi Kirkland, Peyton Sisk, Tyler Macon, Logan Miley, Whitney Davis, Casey Adams, Tamara Jackson and Emily McCarn.
Row 3: Daniel Medina, Dakota Dunn, Justin Scarberry, Jake Stamps, Jeni Butler, Augustina Berger, Sarah Wood, Hunter Howze, Zack Bray, Austin Scarberry, Qureshi Kulaum, Kaylee Robson, Luke Mallett and William Breshears.
Back Row: Jaydin Harper, Devin Campbell, Chris Wood, Jayden Freeman, Christian Scarberry, Zack Simpson, Daniel Welker, Saysha Crossland, Jesse Armstrong and Robert Krouse.