Antlers GEAR UP seniors tour Rose State College
Nineteen Antlers GEAR UP seniors recently traveled to Midwest City to tour Rose State College. Rose State College (RSC) is a public, two–year institution with an “open–door” policy. RSC welcomes over 13,000 students each year.
The GEAR UP students were welcomed by RSC Recruiter Donald Anderson and Coordinator of Residence Life Joe Neal. Antlers seniors completed information cards and were given the opportunity to complete an application for Rose State College. Anderson discussed applying for college, financial aid, class load and residence options for students. Neal showed a short video about residence life as well as possible living arrangements on campus.
Students were then taken on a walking tour of the College beginning at the Health Sciences Building. Students arrived at the Health Sciences Building and were greeted by Dan Points, Dean of Health Sciences Division. Points began the tour of the building by taking students through the X–ray department as well as the Nursing Department where they viewed the dissection of a pig.
Students were then taken to the Health Sciences Annex Building where the Dental Hygiene Program is located. Students toured the classrooms and spoke to other staff. Following the visits to the Health Sciences Buildings students were taken on a walk around the outside of other campus buildings.
The tour ended with a water break in the Office of Student Engagement. RSC offers more than 60 degree programs including Associates in Arts and Associates in Science, designed for students who wish to transfer to a four–year college or university within the Oklahoma State System for Higher Education. Students may also pursue an Associates in Applied Science degree, designed to prepare students for job entry or advancement.
“This was a good tour,” said GEAR UP Education Coordinator LaDonna Baldwin. “Rose State has a lot to offer students who want to live in a larger city and pursue their postsecondary education.”
The field trip was sponsored by Eastern Oklahoma State College GEAR UP. Participating schools take two field trips each academic year—one to tour a college or university and one that is cultural/educational in nature.

Antlers GEAR UP seniors watch a video about housing options at Rose State College with RSC Recruiter Donald Anderson and Coordinator of Residence Life Joe Neal.

Antlers GEAR UP students listen to Rose State College Dean of Health Sciences Dan Points in front of the Health Sciences Annex Building.

Antlers GEAR UP seniors pause for a photo during their recent tour of Rose State College in Midwest City. Pictured are:
Kneeling: Meske Harjo and Jesilee Riley
Second Row: Kaylee Balo, Bailey Akard, Nikki Wyma, Kami Wilkerson, Tara Rudder, Hanna Smith, Kendra Clagg and Priscilla Webster
Back Row: Connor Snow, Ty Bell, Conner Copeland, Silas Maple, Dustin Morehead, Chance Kazy, Zach Warren, Kyle Remington and Tori Watson