Atoka sophmores visit University of Central Oklahoma
Sophomore students from Atoka High School recently toured the University of Central Oklahoma. The students began their day in the Carl Albert Room of Nigh University Center. UCO Tour Representative Gina Hickey greeted the students and gave UCO spirit bracelets as souvenirs of the visit. She discussed test scores, dorm life, student activities, and financial aid with the students.
Students were then divided into two groups to be led by UCO Student Ambassadors Bria Bowler and Alex Miller. Miller, guide for the sophomore boys, began their tour in the Nigh University Center courtyard. Bowler took the girls to the Chambers Library to begin their tour. Both groups visited many of the buildings and colleges on the campus. Students were fascinated by the pendulum in the science building. They were impressed by the many classes that are available in the UCO Wellness Center as well as facilities for basketball games, weightlifting, and fitness.
As the sophomore girls returned to the Nigh University Center, they were invited to hug a Coke machine for a free Coke. The special Coke machine was set up next to Bronco Lake as a student fun spot. The girls hugged the machine and took pictures of other huggers as they collected their free beverages.
The students thanked their tour guides as well as the staff of the Nigh University Center. They were impressed with the campus and all that it had to offer future students.
“The Atoka students had a great time,” said GEAR UP Education Coordinator Kamy Patterson. “Bria and Alex provided great tours. The students enjoyed seeing the campus and learning about the many degrees offered.”
The field trip was sponsored by Eastern Oklahoma State College GEAR UP. Participating schools take two field trips each academic year—one to tour a college or university and one that is cultural/educational in nature.
UCO Tours Representative speaks to Atoka Sophomores—UCO Tours Representative Gina Hickey speaks to Atoka sophomores in the Carl Albert Room of the Nigh University Center.
Bria Bowler at Nigh University Center—UCO Student Ambassador Bria Bowler speaks to Atoka sophomore girls at the entrance of the Nigh University Center.
Bria Bowler at Bronco Wellness Center—UCO Student Ambassador Bria Bowler speaks to Atoka sophomore girls in the lobby of the Bronco Wellness Center.
Gabe Cochran hugs Coke machine—Atoka sophomore Gabe Cochran hugs the Coke machine for a free coke.
Ms. Marci Bond hugs the Coke machine—Atoka English teacher Marci Bond hugs the Coke machine for a free coke.
Atoka sophomores visit the information center—Atoka sophomores visit the information center in the Nigh University Center lobby.
Balloon Launch 2012